在金融科技行业,巨头的合作与变革总是备受关注。近日,华尔街日报报道称,摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)正与苹果(Apple)加快谈判进程,有望接手现由高盛(Goldman Sachs)负责的Apple ...
近日,摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)与苹果公司(Apple)就接管Apple ...
目前关于价格及摩根大通是否将延续苹果信用卡Apple Card的特定功能等关键议题,都还尚未决定。(图:法新社)(纽约18日讯)外媒引述消息人士说法指出,苹果正与摩根大通(JPMorgan ...
charge-offs 指银行因客户不太可能偿还而必须注销的账户。在美国,商业银行及其信用卡的销账率约为账户总额的 4.5%,但高盛的这一比例超过 10%。 鉴于通用汽车信用卡当前资产超过 20 亿美元,据报道,高坏账率正令买家望而却步。英国巴克莱银行,该行在英国独立为苹果商店客户提供融资服务,据悉仍在与高盛进行谈判,但不愿支付要价。
【ITBEAR】9月18日消息,苹果公司正与摩根大通银行展开深入磋商,探讨将Apple Card信用卡业务转手的可能性。这项潜在交易若达成,将标志着苹果在金融领域的布局发生重大变化。
Reports say the New York banks are in triangulated talks with Apple to shift management of Apple Card accounts--and their $17 ...
Apple has long been looking for an alternative to Goldman Sachs to continue the Apple Card. Now another major bank appears to ...
Apple Card is a popular hit with everyone except Apple's partner Goldman Sachs, with it likely to lose millions as it tries ...
JPMorgan Chase & Co. is in discussions with Apple Inc. about taking over a credit card portfolio that rival Goldman Sachs ...
Apple's credit card business is up for grabs, presenting a chance to cross-sell financial products. But that opportunity ...
The Apple Card * might have found a new issuer in JPMorgan Chase, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal. Last year, Apple announced that it would cut ties with Goldman Sachs as the Apple ...
Apple Card recently passed its five year anniversary, and I’ve recently been thinking about whats next for the credit card. With Apple Card not being super profitable, combined with the fact ...