近日,GSC Game World 发布了令人瞩目的《潜行者2:切尔诺贝利之心》的全新 ASMR 视频,展示了游戏中河湾(Zaton)地区的天气和时间变化。这段视频不仅让玩家提前感受到游戏中环境的细腻和真实,也引发了对这一开放世界游戏的广泛讨论。 《潜行者2》设定在一个动荡的未来,河湾地区曾经盛传有 Klondike 神器的出现,吸引了众多潜行者前来探险。在焦脑器关闭后,成群的潜行者如潮水般涌入这 ...
Hello hello! I know it has been a while since all you fans have read an article from me, but that is because I have been focusing on my social and mental well-being.
Autonomous sensory meridian response or ASMR is what happens to your brain when you see a hamper of Cocker Spaniel puppies or Neymar Jr. highlights from 2014/15. But if neither of those quite does the ...
Common ASMR triggers include whispering, hair play, and ear brushing. Not all people experience a positive response or any response to these triggers, though. ASMR, or autonomous sensory meridian ...