沉浸式系列火遍全网后,风靡一时的助眠ASMR也紧跟着卷土重来。从起初纯粹的轻音乐、环境音与人声组合,到现下玩转五花八门的道具触发音,还衍生出了场景模式哄人入睡。如今这一「精神马杀鸡」的含金量还在上升,ASMR又化解了哪些睡眠“疑难杂症”?一起来看看吧 ...
Enter ASMR heaven with a mesmerizing mix of sounds, from the crisp crunch of food to the satisfying snap of breaking glass ...
氪金的网友,可以选择点播,或插队。这些花10元、20元买几十个抖币打赏“墨镜”“礼物桶”等礼物就可以达成。有些主播为了彰显自己直播的受欢迎程度,会每天放出几个固定点播名额,网友点播一单需要花费10-30元,点播一个“洗头”音效,主播就利用设备工具表演 ...
From tapping and whispering to role-play scenarios, ASMR triggers can promote mindfulness, reduce anxiety and improve sleep.
Hello hello! I know it has been a while since all you fans have read an article from me, but that is because I have been focusing on my social and mental well-being.
磨洋工ASMR,这个视频是以前的,我也在等他们更新#助眠 ...
11月2日,张惠妹ASMR MAX巡回演唱会青岛站在国信体育场圆满举办,这也是华语天后张惠妹时隔7年重返青岛,为歌迷朋友带来了一场酣畅淋漓的视听盛宴。台下3万多名粉丝手持荧光棒的大合唱,更是完美诠释了“华语天后”的独特魅力。
近日,GSC Game World发布了《潜行者2:切尔诺贝利之心》的全新ASMR视频,展示了河湾(Zaton)地区的天气与时间变化。据传,河湾地区曾出现过Klondike神器,吸引众多潜行者前来寻宝。然而,焦脑器关闭后,这些潜行者成为了首批探险家。
Dragon Age: The Veilguard is out today, and if you find yourself stressed and aggravated because you're waiting for it to ...
Don't ask me to fall asleep before my nightly cranial nerve exam. ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response) videos have been a long-time staple in my nighttime routine, but thanks to social ...
Common ASMR triggers include whispering, hair play, and ear brushing. Not all people experience a positive response or any response to these triggers, though. ASMR, or autonomous sensory meridian ...
Autonomous sensory meridian response or ASMR is what happens to your brain when you see a hamper of Cocker Spaniel puppies or Neymar Jr. highlights from 2014/15. But if neither of those quite does the ...