A lack of data is "not a good excuse anymore" for not disclosing on deforestation, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has said, as it releases new guidance for financial ...
近日,哪吒汽车与巴西百达投资银行(BTG ...
目前,哪吒汽车已在巴西圣保罗设立子公司,计划年底前将经销商扩展至30家,并积极推动筹建KD组装工厂。哪吒汽车在南美已陆续在墨西哥、厄瓜多尔、哥斯达黎加等地布局,不断推出新车型,拓宽销售网络。2024年哪吒汽车加速全球化战略布局,坚持“深耕东南亚市场, ...
BTG Pactual Timberland Investment Group (BTG Pactual TIG) has signed a long-term contract with Meta for the delivery of 1.3m ...
最新消息,哪吒汽车今天宣布与拉美最大的投资银行——巴西百达投资银行(BTG Pactual)以及巴西进口贸易商 Sertrading 签署战略合作。  其中,巴西百达投资银行(BTG ...
AM Best has upgraded the Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating (Long-Term ICR) to "bbb+" (Good) from "bbb" (Good) and revised the ...
AM Best has assigned a Financial Strength Rating of B++ (Good) and a Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating of "bbb+" (Good) to BTG ...
合众新能源汽车旗下哪吒汽车宣布,与拉美最大的投资银行巴西百达投资银行(BTG ...
Facebook母公司Meta Platforms(META.US)周三表示,该公司同意在2038年之前从巴西投资银行BTG Pactual的林业部门购买至多390万份碳抵消信用额。交易价值尚未披露。根据数据提供商Allied Offsets的数据,上周林业碳抵消的平均价格为每信用额度4.22美元。根据这一定价,这笔交易的价值可能高达1600万美元。
On September 20, NETA Auto announced a strategic partnership with Brazil's largest investment bank, BTG Pactual, and Brazilian import trader Sertrading. Shanghai (Gasgoo)- On September 20, NETA Auto ...
Meta(META.US)表示,将向巴西投资银行BTG Pactual的林业部门购买至2038年最多390万碳抵销信用额。 双方并无透露交易价值。根据Allied ...