Charlie Puth,这个被粉丝昵称为“断眉”的音乐才子,以其极具辨识度的形象和深入人心的音乐作品,早已在国际乐坛树立起无可替代的地位。他的歌声如同一把情感的钥匙,轻轻打开听众心底那扇尘封已久的门,让每一颗心都为他的音乐所触动。而Brooke ...
9月18日,被誉为“断眉”的流行乐才子Charlie Puth,在社交媒体Instagram上大方晒出了自己与未婚妻Brooke ...
In a ceremony at his family home in Montecito, Charlie Puth and Brooke Sansone tied the knot earlier this month, then made ...
(好莱坞讯)32岁美国天王级歌手CP查理(Charlie Puth)宣布结婚!他在2022年10月认爱24岁青梅竹马恋人Brooke ...
Puth's family house in Montecito, California Charlie Puth and Brooke Sansone tied the knot in Montecito, California on Sept.
Charlie在IG公开婚礼当日的相片及影片,两人在亲友的见证下结成连理,同时又深情向老婆示爱:「我爱你,Brooke...我一直都爱你,在你身边我可以成为最好的自己。我承诺在这一生中会每一天都爱你,当我们进入下一个阶段时,我只会更加爱你。Brook ...
32岁美国天王级歌手查理普斯(Charlie Puth)因演唱《玩命关头》主题曲《See You Again》成人气歌手。他2022年10月认爱青梅竹马Brooke ...
Charlie Puth finally tied the knot with Brooke Puth as the couple made their wedding official on Instagram on Tuesday. As per ...
Charlie Puth has officially tied the knot with Brooke Sansone. A representative for Puth confirmed the marriage to ABC News ...
在光芒四射的演艺圈中,每当有明星大婚的消息传出,总是能令无数粉丝心潮澎湃。近日,“断眉”Charlie Puth和他的女友Brooke Sansone的婚讯就登上了热搜,让我们一探这场星光熠熠的爱情故事。 Charlie ...
#断眉官宣结婚#登上热搜知名歌手Charlie Puth在个人社交媒体上分享了与女友Brooke Sansone的婚纱照和婚礼现场照片,正式宣布两人结婚。在婚礼上,Charlie ...
Now they’ve made it official: Charlie Puth and Brooke Sansone are married. The Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter from Rumson ...