Artificial intelligence is to be used to tackle the most deadly parasitic diseases in the developing world, tech company ...
Google DeepMind has made a significant breakthrough in artificial intelligence (AI) research, with the remarkable ...
Google DeepMind has launched two new AI systems designed to help robots learn and perform complex tasks that need precise, ...
Google DeepMind's recent research provides insights into optimizing large language models (LLMs) like OpenAI's ChatGPT-o1.
DeepMind employed a new learning platform, ALOHA Unleashed, paired with its simulation program, DemoStart, to teach robots by watching humans.
其次用于微调的基础模型初始化在编辑距离上呈现出高度倾斜的分布(图 ...
这边 OpenAI 刚发了又一个引爆 AI 圈的大模型 o1,那边谷歌 DeepMind 高级 AI 总监 Nando de Freitas 宣布了自己离职的消息。 9 月 13 日,Nando de Freitas 发推表示自己要离开工作 10 ...
新智元报道  编辑:LRS【新智元导读】DeepMind最近的研究提出了一种新框架AligNet,通过模拟人类判断来训练教师模型,并将类人结构迁移到预训练的视觉基础模型中,从而提高模型在多种任务上的表现,增强了模型的泛化性和鲁棒性,为实现更类人的人工 ...
新智元报道  编辑:桃子【新智元导读】多个LLM联合,可以迈向更强大系统!最新研究发现,GPT-4能够提升同伴的性能,能够让数学能力暴涨11.6%。AI如何成为「更强的AI」?最关键还是,得学会「借力」。来自蒙特利尔大学、剑桥、普林斯顿、谷歌Deep ...
随OpenAI爆火的CoT,已经引发了大佬间的激战!谷歌DeepMind首席科学家Denny Zhou拿出一篇ICLR ...
Supported by the Google DeepMind Research Ready funding stream, this initiative seeks to increase diversity in the field of ...