A human case of eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus has been confirmed in Upstate New York, marking the state’s first ...
An Ulster County resident has tested positive for the mosquito-borne eastern equine encephalitis virus, health officials say.
An Ulster County resident has tested positive for the mosquito-borne eastern equine encephalitis virus, health officials say.
State health officials are telling New Yorkers to take protective measures to avoid mosquito bites after an Ulster County ...
The latest human EEE case in New York brings the national tally to at least 11 so far this year, according to an ABC News ...
“东部马脑炎是一种严重而致命的蚊子传播疾病,目前没有疫苗”,纽约州卫生官员麦克唐纳(James McDonald)在声明中说,“即使现在气温越来越低,蚊子传播的疾病对人类而言仍是一种风险,纽约人必须保持警惕。” ...
美国纽约州上周五报告了近10年来第一例“东部马脑炎”(EEE)人类感染病例。(美联社档案照) ...
Saratoga County officials urge residents to protect themselves against mosquito-borne illnesses after a horse within the ...
New Hampshire health officials are now confirming a Kensington man recently tested positive for Eastern equine encephalitis.
Concord is one of dozens of Massachusetts communities that are reported to be at a moderate, high or critical risk level for ...