2023年5月,一个黑客声称入侵了Panopta公司的GitHub代码库。 Panopta在2020年被Fortinet收购。 当时黑客将从Panopta公司窃取的数据泄露到了一个以俄语为主要交流语言的黑客论坛上。
20-year pro options trader reveals his one-line chart technique that shows when to buy and sell. Copy his trades, which have ...
(爱云资讯消息) 据BleepingComputer团队报道,网络安全公司Fortinet证实,用户数据从其Microsoft Sharepoint服务器被窃取,并在今日清晨被发布到一个黑客论坛上。 攻击者“Fortib**ch”分享了其声称是S3桶 ...
周五,CFRA维持对网络安全解决方案领导者Fortinet (NASDAQ:FTNT)的买入评级,同时将其目标价从73.00美元上调至84.00美元。分析师引用了基于公司远期市盈率倍数和2025年每股收益(EPS)预估上调的积极前景。 新的目标价基于36倍的远期市盈率乘以修订后的2025年每股收益预测2.32美元,这与公司一年平均水平一致。2024年每股收益预测保持不变,为2.16美元,而2025 ...
The world’s third-largest cybersecurity company Fortinet has disclosed a data breach after a threat actor Fortibitch leaked ...
That would explain this 440GB leak, then Fortinet has admitted that bad actors accessed cloud-hosted data about its customers ...
Fortinet has confirmed a data breach that has allegedly compromised 440 GB of Azure SharePoint files containing Fortinet ...
On Thursday, cybersecurity giant Fortinet disclosed a breach involving customer data. In a statement posted online, Fortinet ...
Cybersecurity giant Fortinet has confirmed it suffered a data breach after a threat actor claimed to steal 440GB of files ...
周五,Citi上调了网络安全解决方案公司Fortinet (NASDAQ:FTNT)的目标价,从66.00美元提高至76.00美元。尽管做出了这一调整,该公司仍维持对该股的中性评级。 此次调整是在最近与Fortinet首席财务官和首席营销官会面后做出的,这次会面增强了Citi的信心,认为该公司已经度过了防火墙周期性的最糟糕阶段。 Citi的分析师对2024年下半年账单可能出现的增长有了更清晰的认识 ...
A threat actor accessed ‘a limited number of files stored on Fortinet’s instance of a third-party cloud-based shared file ...