Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering a plan to force all Palestinian civilians out of northern Gaza, ...
Lebanese health authorities on Tuesday raised the death toll from two days of Israeli airstrikes targeting Hezbollah ...
Israel is examining a plan to use siege tactics against Hamas in northern Gaza, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was quoted ...
Sometimes it’s in the turn of phrase. On Wednesday, the BBC’s World Affairs Editor John Simpson – who has defended the ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu informed Israel’s security cabinet on Monday that the country’s military operations ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has once again postponed his trip to the UN against the backdrop of an ever growing ...
Nuovi sviluppi nella guerra Israele-Hamas: raid aerei israeliani colpiscono obiettivi Hezbollah in Libano, causando più di ...
(法新社耶路撒冷23日电) 巴勒斯坦伊斯兰主义组织「哈玛斯」(Hamas)去年10月7日袭击以色列并引爆加萨战争,这起战事既是让以色列人民更加互助团结,却也因人质、兵役豁免权等议题而加深分歧。 每周六晚上都有数以千计抗议者走上以色列商业中心特拉维夫(Tel Aviv)与其他城市街头,高呼「立刻带他们回家!」。抗议民众要求以色列当局「不惜一切代价」与哈玛斯达成协议,确保人质都能获释。
Only half of the 97 remaining hostages kidnapped to Gaza during the Hamas-led assault of southern Israel on Oct. 7 are still alive, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly said on Sunday.
What about Hamas butchering, raping and mutilating Israelis before dragging 251 innocents ... Israeli society – which had ...
Officials in Israel's defense establishment are now strenuously contradicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced an expansion of the country's war goals on Tuesday to include the return ...