In this explosive video, witness the devastating power of Russia's 9K720 Iskander missiles as they target and obliterate ...
New Delhi, Sept. 23 -- Russia, on Sep 23, claimed to have killed over 380 Ukrainian troops in the last 24 hours. Russia said ...
In this explosive video, witness the devastating power of Russia's 9K720 Iskander missiles as they target and obliterate ...
乌克兰远程多管火箭系统 HIMARS 摧毁俄罗斯直升机部队 ...
近日,库尔斯克战线的西侧再次成为全球军事观察家们的焦点。据可靠消息,俄罗斯军队在此地发起了猛烈的反击,目标直指盘踞在库尔斯克地区的乌克兰残余势力。在这场突如其来的攻势中,俄罗斯太平洋舰队第155海军陆战旅的突击营扮演了关键角色。他们如同锋利的刀刃,直 ...
据澎湃新闻报道,当地时间10日凌晨,乌克兰对莫斯科发动了大规模无人机袭击。俄罗斯军队在莫斯科州的拉缅斯科耶、波多利斯克、柳别尔齐、多莫杰多沃和科洛姆纳五个地区共击落了14架无人机。在拉缅斯科耶区,一栋高层住宅楼被无人机击中后引发火灾,目前已确认一名4 ...
乌克兰HIMARS火炮导弹摧毁了4艘俄罗斯战舰【战争模拟】 ...
The blow was struck with the help of the Iskander missile defense system. The enemy equipment was located in Shaposhnikov, ...
A Russian Iskander missile destroyed a HIMARS and its crews in the Sumy Region, the Russian Defense Ministry said.
阿拉斯加州共和党参议员丹·沙利文对中俄军事活动的增加表达了深切关注,他警告称:“军事资产的数量显著增加,俄罗斯不仅在空域、地面及地下进行活动,而且行动比以往任何时候都更为频繁,这明显是一种军事升级的态势。” ...
Ukrainian forces are reported to have struck a Russian military base in the occupied Donetsk region with a High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), causing "massive casualties." ...