I’ve had a conversation or two with the president since, that I won’t reveal, and I like what I heard,” Conway said Thursday ...
Donald Trump has once again reactivated his sizable corps of yes-men and yes-women, to re-inflate his fragile ego.
Bill Maher's audience laughed, but far-right social media provocateur Laura Loomer found nothing funny, and threatened to sue ...
In considering a topic for today’s piece, I had a “concept of a plan.” But two dozen blank column inches seemed unacceptable.
From political fundraisers to the presidential debate to a September 11 commemoration, far-right influencer Laura Loomer has ...
Kellyanne Conway says she’s “pushed back” at former President Donald Trump regarding his increasingly cozy relationship with ...
Earlier this month, right-wing political activist Laura Loomer posted a video tasting a dog food product that she claimed ...
Concerns are mounting within the Republican Party as Donald Trump continues to maintain a close relationship with far-right ...
The far-right extremist publicly goaded the South Carolina senator after he denounced her comments about Kamala Harris's ...
Speaking on her Unleashed podcast, Loomer has thanked those who have "stood by me through all these vicious attacks" in recent days, adding she also wants to "thank the haters in the media for ...
美国共和党籍前总统川普与民主党籍副总统贺锦丽10日辩论时,口出狂言说「移民吃猫」,让人震惊。外媒指出,川普爆出的荒谬言论,皆来自一位名叫卢默(Laura Loomer)的极右翼阴谋论者。而这位「川普新宠儿」本周一直陪同川普出行,获得川普高度讚赏。
Sen. JD Vance avoided questions about Laura Loomer's racist comments about Vice President Kamala Harris on NBC's Meet the ...