日本游戏开发商Pocket Pair今年1月推出电子游戏《幻兽帕鲁》(Palworld)爆红,其游戏风格类似宝可梦(Pokemon),被戏称为「带枪的宝可梦」。任天堂(Nintendo)周四宣布与宝可梦联手控告Pocket Pair侵权。
任天堂19日在官网发布消息称,任天堂已联合宝可梦公司于18日在东京地方法院对游戏《幻兽帕鲁》(Palworld)开发商Pocket Pair提起了专利侵权诉讼。 上证报中国证券网讯 ...
Nintendo Co., Ltd.和The Pokemon Company已对东京游戏开发商Pocketpair Inc提起法律诉讼,指控其侵犯专利权。该诉讼于周三在东京地方法院提交,原告寻求禁止游戏发行的禁令以及对所造成损失的经济赔偿。
9月19日,任天堂和宝可梦公司(The Pokemon Company)正式发表声明,起诉《幻兽帕鲁》开发商Pocket Pair侵犯其“多个”专利。公告表示,任天堂与宝可梦公司于昨日联合向东京地方法院提起针对 Pocket Pair ...
今日,任天堂株式会社正式宣布,已联合口袋妖怪株式会社向东京地方法院提起对Pocket Pair股份有限公司的专利权侵害诉讼。此次诉讼的核心是指控Pocket ...
Those of you worried that Palworld will go the full live-service route likely don't need to be, as developer Pocketpair has no plans to make it free-to-play. Palworld is the kind of game that's ...
Palworld remains one of the biggest successes of 2024, despite it fading a bit from public memory. It has retained a healthy enough playerbase, but there are questions about its future given that ...
A new update for Palworld has become available on PC via Steam on September 17, 2024, and brought a couple of important improvements despite only being pretty small in size – don’t forget ...
What are the best Palworld mods? Everyone knows the universal way of improving any game is to add mods to it, and open-world games like Palworld are no exception. Games such as Palworld usually ...