The BBC and Russian independent media outlet Mediazone said that at least 70,112 Russians have now been killed in Ukraine.
Russia's Tu-95 and Tu-160 strategic bombers are capable of carrying out nuclear and conventional long-range strikes, and have ...
Moscow redirected oil sales, but forging new routes for other commodities proves difficult amid high costs and U.S. sanctions ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday signed a decree to increase the number of Russian armed forces to 2,389,130 units, ...
A Chechen warlord who claimed Elon Musk gifted him a Cybertruck accused the Telsa CEO on Thursday of “remotely” disabling the ...
The Russian army is set to increase by 180,000, which would make it the second-largest in the world. It's already straining ...
President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Russia was ramping up drone production by around ten times to nearly 1.4 ...
Russian president Vladimir Putin can recruit all the troops he wants in his bid to make his army the second largest in the ...
7/23【时事大家谈】拜登退选中国网民热议 “把他赶下台”影射习近平?拜登退选牵动美外交政策 下届总统恐对中更强硬?嘉宾:美国“信息与战略研究所”经济学者李恒青; 美国《当代中国评论》国际季刊主编荣伟;主持人:樊冬宁 ...
The Russian president earlier this year rebuffed Defense Ministry officials who had tried to convince him they needed more ...
British-Russian dissident Vladimir Kara-Murza who was freed from a Siberian penal camp in a historic prisoner swap last month ...
EXCLUSIVE: Russians are becoming "irritated" with Vladimir Putin's repeated calls for families to have more children.