Redwood将与宝马集团约700家经销商和分销中心合作,回收报废电池。电池中95%以上的关键矿物,如镍、钴、锂和铜,将返回电池供应链。宝马发言人Phil Dilanni表示,宝马看中了Redwood将材料返还给电池供应链的能力。
北美宝马公司和Redwood Materials宣布建立合作伙伴关系,回收美国所有电动、插电式混合动力和轻度混合动力宝马、MINI、劳斯莱斯和宝马摩托车的锂离子电池。此次合作体现了对可持续发展的共同承诺,也是在美国建立锂离子电池闭环循环价值链的下一步 ...
The German automaker said it would instruct its dealers to send old batteries from all of its electrified models, including ...
Battery recycling company Redwood Materials gained a new automaker partner today. It has agreed to a deal with BMW of North ...
Battery recycling specialist Redwood Materials has just gained another major automaker as a client, signing a partnership ...
With BMW and Redwood Materials joining forces, is the long-term sustainability of electric vehicles now within reach?
据外媒报道,由JB Straubel创办的电池材料回收初创公司Redwood Materials公布了其阴极活性材料(CAM)工厂的最新建设情况。值得一提的是,Redwood是特斯拉的电池材料回收合作伙伴。 8月27日,Redwood宣布其在内华达州斯帕克斯(Sparks)附近的CAM工厂已经“封顶”,并且 ...
Redwood Materials, which is building a $3.5 billion battery recycling plant in Berkeley County, will get end-of-life ...
Redwood Materials, which was founded by former Tesla executive JB Straubel, expanded its Tahoe Reno Industrial Center campus ...
核心提示:8月27日,Redwood宣布其在内华达州斯帕克斯(Sparks)附近的CAM工厂已经“封顶”,并且即将落成。 盖世汽车讯 据外媒报道,由JB Straubel ...
Redwood will work directly with BMW’s network of close to 700 locations across the US, including dealerships, distribution ...
BMW of North America and Redwood Materials join forces to recycle lithium-ion batteries, promoting sustainability in electric ...