Samsung may not have changed the look of the Galaxy S24 Ultra much, but everything else has been given a massive upgrade. Prepare for a very positive review.
在智能手机市场竞争日益激烈的背景下,三星Galaxy S24 Ultra手机的出现无疑为消费者带来了更多选择。自2024年1月31日发布以来,这款搭载骁龙8 Gen 3 for Galaxy的旗舰手机,以其强大的性能和丰富的功能吸引了众多用户的目光。尽管其发售价高达9699元,但在京东双十一大促期间,该机型的价格意外直降至6380元,成为了市场上最具性价比的高端手机之一。 据悉,Galaxy S2 ...
Samsung’s trade-in prices are the ultimate deal neutralizer and have to be factored in when comparing deals. For example, Best Buy will pay $110 for your Galaxy S21 Plus when buying the Galaxy S24 ...
I’ve been using the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra again for the last few weeks, and while I do think it continues to be one of the most versatile smartphones around, I quickly got tired of the shape ...