An S corporation reports activity on Form 1120-S. Trusts and estates report the K-1 form activity on Form 1041. Business partners, S corporation shareholders, and investors in limited partnerships ...
北宋庆历年间(1041-1048),江西人陈执礼到南剑州任通判,为纪“双剑化龙”神奇及贤明知府,在城东化剑潭边鲤鱼山上修建“雷从事祠”,后人在祠 ...
公元1041-1048年间,毕升发明了泥活字印刷术,使印刷技术进入了一个新时代,但雕版印刷的工艺一直保存到今天。 成立于1960年的扬州广陵古籍刻印社,专门从事雕版古籍整理和出版。并完整地 ...
芦洪市镇老街的芦江河上,现存湖南最早的三座石拱桥之一——斩龙桥,据清编《东安县志·山水篇》记载,斩龙桥始建于宋庆历年间(1041至1048年)。桥长56米,宽2.2米,高4米,桥有三拱,每拱为半圆形。如今已成为网红旅游打卡地。 返回搜狐,查看更多 ...
The DSX-1048 Intelligent Controller is an independent processing 8 door package designed to be a cost effective building block platform that allows expansion in a scalable manner. Up to 8 doors can be ...
Truelove and Witts published the first placebo-controlled, randomised clinical trial in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which showed the superiority of cortisone for the treatment of acute ...
Episode 1118 is a cavalcade of lore questions with few answers and many burning questions. What's incredible is that this episode does not answer many mysteries but still manages to keep you ...
1947年3月14日江西省财政厅电汇11000万元到景德镇,开始礼品瓷的设计制作。经数月努力,万众瞩目的国礼瓷烧制完成,共计瓶40件、挂盘60件、万花餐具4套(每套140件)、胜利餐具2套(每套140件)、桃碗400件。国礼瓷问世后,陶校名声大振,根 ...
Professor Mahfouf Obtained the MPhil (1988) and PhD (1991) Degrees from the University of Sheffield (UK), all in Control Systems. He worked as a PDRA from 1992 until 1996 on two Leverhulme sponsored ...
kr1 SEK = $0.1048 Link for Date: 03/05/2019 Saturday 4 May 2019 (04/05/2019) kr1 SEK = $0.1048 Link for Date: 04/05/2019 Sunday 5 May 2019 (05/05/2019) kr1 SEK = $0.1046 Link for Date: 05/05/2019 ...
The Hypercar Balance of Performance figures reveal a slight gain for Porsche and a hit for Toyota ahead of the ...