传闻已久的RF 200-500mm f/4L IS ...
至于早前在巴黎奥运被野生捕获的RF 70-200mm F2.8L IS USM Z也被指在11月登场,传闻网指在巴黎使用此镜的摄影师的评价相当正面,不过原来此镜也准备黑色和白色镜身版本,似乎有意针对视频工作者较为喜欢使用黑色涂装镜头,至于抗热能力较高的“白镜”就会为以拍照为主的影友而设计。
ecoFIT PE100 Industrial Polyethylene ushers in a new generation piping system designed specifically for broad-based applications. The dynamic combination of ...
许久没有消息的宾得终于传出了有关他们的下一台全画幅单反相机K-1 Mark III的传闻,据悉这款新相机将采用索尼的6100万像素BSI传感器,非常快的连拍速度以及4K视频等功能。
Over 1,500 people across South Korea were forced to evacuate during three days of relentless downpours as heavy rain wreaked havoc on homes, roads and infrastructure. The heavy rain, which lasted from ...
作为净水行业的创领者,美的洞悉行业趋势和用户需求,针对小户型用户的安装困扰,创新推出行业超薄小体积厨下软水大师,采用专利双通道阀头排布,整体体积仅450*440*160mm³,相较于上一代体积减少47%,高度相当于2台平板,宽度仅为一台手机长度,身型 ...
Heavy rain began from Jeju Island and along the southern coast, before spreading across the country. Read more at ...
Packed with the latest lens technologies, the AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR offers incredible reach.
Anything weighing less than two kilos is ideal. A tent weighing between two and four kilos will still serve purpose, but you ...
KARACHI: The Met Office’s forecast of up to 200mm rain in Karachi and 500mm in other cities of the province has kept the authorities on toes as they have taken urgent measures to deal with the ...