9月18日,小i机器人 (AIXI)盘中下跌2.95%,截至22:07,报3.785美元/股,成交3.8万美元。 财务数据显示,截至2023年12月31日,小i机器人收入总额5916.53万美元,同比增长22.79%;归母净利润-2646.18万美元,同比减少348.62%。
August saw an increase in supply for the eighth consecutive month as pent-up demand and front-loaded issuance led issuers to tap the capital markets, leading to the highest monthly total volume ...
The Chefs' Warehouse operates in the food distribution market, distributing 70,000 SKUs to 44,000 customers, primarily in the foodservice space. Despite underperforming the market recently, the ...
DOE's regional averages are drawn from its weekly national survey of about 400 diesel service centers. The stations are surveyed on Mondays and the results are reported late that day. DOE divides ...
Since last August 31 ’23, NVDA’s revenue estimate has been revised higher by 49% while the EPS estimate has been revised higher by 64%. Even with the Blackwell delay, the NVDA EPS and revenue ...
上周美联储主席鲍威尔释放9月开始降息的信号之后,全球金融市场主线已开始围绕美联储降息周期展开交易。在此背景下,所有期限的美国国债收益 ...
NEW YORK/LONDON,--Equities suffered heavy losses around the globe on Monday as Wall Street added to a rout that started in Japan, while the dollar tumbled against the yen and nervous investors ...