目前,化疗仍是 ES-SCLC 治疗的重要组成部分,但化疗导致的骨髓抑制(CIM)会严重影响患者用药依从性和预后,且现有的干预措施主要为对症治疗,存在局限性。为探索在真实世界环境中,预防性使用曲拉西利对我国 ES-SCLC ...
一根黝黑粗壮的鼻毛无声地从鼻腔里窜出来,对面的Ta,很难不一直盯着它看。即使人再好看,眼睛,也只能聚焦在这根昂首挺胸的毛发上。很多人会选择拔掉或剪掉这些毛,以绝后患。可能是用剪的、也可能硬拔的,甚至还有用蜜蜡去除的......那我们到底该拿这“讨厌” ...
Most measles cases in England are among unvaccinated individuals. But, between 2011 and 2019, the proportion of measles cases ...
The following is a summary of “Elevated peripheral glutamate and upregulated expression of NMDA receptor NR1 subunit in ...
The following is a summary of “Prognostic factors for treatment failure of photodynamic therapy and 5-fluorouracil in Bowen’s ...
New research has found that MS patients treated with anti-CD20 antibodies, such as Roche’s Ocrevus, do not experience ...
Most measles cases in England are among unvaccinated individuals. But, between 2011 and 2019, the proportion of measles cases ...
Theodore Leng, MD, MS, sat down with David Hutton of Ophthalmology Times to discuss his presentation on Progression of Newly ...
A real-world study of pegcetacoplan for treatment of geographic atrophy showed significantly better outcomes than the pivotal clinical trials in patients who had symptomatic vision loss.