睡眠是维持整体健康至关重要的基本生理过程,但现代生活方式导致不良或睡眠不足现象逐渐增加,进而引发各种健康问题,如代谢、认知、心血管和免疫功能障碍。解决睡眠障碍可能是预防代谢功能障碍的关键,然而,将睡眠中断与代谢障碍联系起来的分子机制仍知之甚少。202 ...
Microplastics have been found in brain tissue above the nose, suggesting a likely passageway for microscopic plastic shards ...
Women had a lower probability of receiving any disease-modifying treatment (DMT) and were even less likely to get ...
Rezafungin acetate is under clinical development by Napp Pharmaceuticals and currently in Phase III for Aspergillosis.
German researchers have developed a sustainable method to produce protein and vitamin B9 from microbes using renewable energy ...
Scientists use renewable energy to power microbes, turning CO2 into protein and vitamins for a sustainable food future.
Trenbolone Acetate, also known as Tren Ace, is a powerhouse for transforming bodybuilders with solid muscle growth and enhanced definition. This potent anabolic-androgenic steroid is a cornerstone in ...
Bremelanotide acetate is under clinical development by Cosette Pharmaceuticals and currently in Phase II for Obesity.
Zinc is an essential mineral that is required for a variety of important bodily functions like bolstering immunity, cell growth and formation of DNA.
一项以色列研究发现,治疗多发性硬化症的醋酸格拉替雷有妙用:可在小鼠和大鼠中修复心肌梗死或心力衰竭后的心肌损伤。 研究者在心肌梗死小鼠模型和心力衰竭大鼠模型中进行了研究。 研究显示,使用醋酸格拉替雷治疗的小鼠,心脏功能改善,心脏瘢痕面积缩小。 进一步研究发现,这种药物可保护心肌细胞免于缺血所致的细胞死亡,减少疤痕形成,并促进新血管形成。 在心力衰竭的大鼠中,醋酸格拉替雷改善了心脏泵血能力,并延缓间质 ...
周四,H.C. Wainwright维持了对ORIC Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ORIC)的买入评级和21.00美元的目标价。该公司的决定是在审查竞争对手Ipsen (IPSEY)在2024年欧洲肿瘤内科学会(ESMO)会议上公布的1b/2期试验结果后做出的。该试验比较了tazemetostat和enzalutamide联合治疗与单独使用enzalutamide在既往abir ...