Independent of one’s diet, having a higher BMI is consistently associated with poor performance on working memory tasks.
痛风发作时的疼痛,足以让一个雄鹰般的成年人流下悔恨的泪水。但原本以为年纪大了才容易得痛风,没想到一直控制饮食爱健身的年轻人,就因为爬了一次山也会中招...... 上滑查看。图源:某社交媒体没错!和高血压、脑梗等疾病一样,曾经我们认为是“老年病”的痛风 ...
Adiposity demonstrated a causal relationship with only approximately half of gastrointestinal illnesses, including gallstone diseases.
如果大脑健康出了问题,会严重影响我们的生活质量。这篇文章盘点了大脑最怕的 10 件事,最后还会告诉大家保护大脑应该怎么吃,让健康从“头”开始。 2022 年 3 月发表在《自然·通讯》上的一项研究,对超过 3.6 万多名中老年人的数据进行了分析并发现 ...
A week of extreme cycling significantly decreased visceral adiposity in middle-aged cyclists, emphasizing the role of ...
每当昏昏欲睡时,喝一杯咖啡提神醒脑,是大多数咖啡爱好者的选择。 咖啡除了能提神醒脑,还被证实拥有多种功效: 可以降低多种癌症发病风险、抑制肿瘤生长、降低阿尔兹海默病和帕金森疾病的患病风险、降低心血管疾病风险、降低患胆结石的风险、降低全因死亡风险等。
To keep the heart at its healthiest best, it's important to watch what you eat and keep your weight under check.
Autism, ADHD and other behavioral conditions were found to be more likely in children born to overweight mothers.
A child's diet has the biggest impact on brain development during the first two years of life, when brain cells are growing ...
By Dr. Liji Thomas, MD New research reveals that maternal obesity before and during pregnancy significantly increases the ...
Children living in low-income areas with limited food access during early childhood are at greater risk for higher BMI and ...
On World Heart Day, experts highlight the importance of almonds for heart health and urge mindful dietary choices ...