金秋时节,南粤大地瓜果飘香,一派丰收景象。 稻米、芋头、香蕉、化橘红、柚子、罗非鱼……9月22日,广东省庆祝2024年“中国农民丰收节”主会场活动在茂名化州市开幕,来自全省各地的特色农产品琳琅满目,吸引观众驻足品尝、购买。 丰收的喜悦场景,是广东大力发展“土特产”的一个缩影。增城丝苗米、徐闻菠萝、茂名荔枝、梅州蜜柚、连州菜心、凤凰单丛茶、翁源兰花......近年来,广东高度重视乡村特色产业,加快把 ...
Utz Brands demonstrated strong performance in 1H24, but achieving FY24 adjusted EPS growth remains uncertain. Read why I am ...
To capture every move of the athlete, I turned on the burst photo mode on my camera. This black and white photo gives the old ...
证券之星消息,9月20日,航天软件(688562)融资买入88.83万元,融资偿还260.99万元,融资净卖出172.16万元,融资余额8257.19万元。 融券方面,当日无融券交易。 融资融券余额8257.19万元,较昨日下滑2.04%。 小知识 ...
Eli Lilly's long-term growth prospects are strong with improved supply, new growth opportunities, and competitive positioning ...
Matchups are a driving force behind weekly lineup decisions in fantasy football. Here are the most and least favorable ...
Dow Jones Newswires is a market-moving financial and business news source, used by wealth managers, institutional investors and fintech platforms around the world to identify trading and investing ...
The Supreme Court has ordered CBI to investigate the 2016 death by suicide of the wife of an additional district and sessions ...
The Sunolga Fog Machine is a compact, budget-friendly option that has built-in LED lights with 12 colors and three lighting effects, plus it comes with a wireless remote control. It also has an output ...
以色列国防军当天发表声明称,以军在贝鲁特开展了一次“定点袭击”。以色列媒体报道称,遭袭地点有黎真主党的一个据点。以军袭击目标是黎巴嫩真主党一名高级官员易卜拉欣·阿基勒,他是黎巴嫩真主党最高军事机构圣战委员会的成员。(总台记者 孙建) ...