The French historian Fernand Braudel found it a great mystery that at the inception of Western capitalism, it served only a privileged few, just as it does elsewhere in the world today: The key ...
Here we may draw on a theorist who Hodgson does not discuss, the French historian Fernand Braudel. For Braudel, capitalism ...
At one level,” he writes, “my book is a history of the study of Greek history from...the 18th century to the present day.” ...
Others, such as French historian Fernand Braudel, suggest that the method came from the ancient Phoenicians, who lived in a region of the Eastern Mediterranean around modern-day Lebanon from ...
In a healthy society of non-human primates, there are no nations, no extended organizations, no supraterritorial forms that ...
To many historians, and especially to Fernand Braudel, the part French towns played in the religious civil wars, and in particular their support of the Catholic League, marked a return to the age of ...
El problema, como lo expresaba el gran historiador Fernand Braudel en su estudio sobre Felipe II, es de si un hombre -el rey- era el que controlaba todos los acontecimientos, o por el contrario si ...
2024年7月20日,湖北宜昌,三峡水利枢纽工程。随着长江流域主雨区由长江中下游转移至长江上游,三峡区间来水量明显增加。在确保中下游防洪安全的情况下,三峡水库持续泄洪(新华社/图)如果我们改变一种观察世界的方式,将世界运作的轴心从人类活动上移开,聚焦 ...
For decades, Binghamton’s Sociology Department and its Braudel Center were internationally renowned. Dale played a major role in the Center, especially in its journal, Review. At Binghamton ...
In 2024, she conducted comparative research on the Law of AI at the European University Institute (EUI) as a Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow and recipient of a 2023-24 Fulbright-Schuman Grant. Professor ...
En un viaje a Bilbao, al atravesar la ría, hoy ejemplarmente limpia, una buena amiga parisina que era quien conducía el coche ...
Si bien el guenda nos ayuda a entender el por qué se asocia al ‘ser muxe’ con la gracia, es importante hacer un ejercicio de larga duración, siguiendo a Fernand Braudel, cuando dice que lo que más ...