Renee DiResta–author of the book under review–was the research manager at Stanford University’s Internet Observatory. She has ...
I have no idea who is going to win the 2024 presidential election other than it will be either the open fascist Donald ...
The 1989 murders of Jose and Kitty Menendez by their sons Lyle and Erik form the basis of the second installment, titled ‘The ...
On September 18, 2024, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) passed a resolution that demanded that Israel immediately ...
One of the most bewildering reactions on the part of certain segments of the U.S. left (whatever that means these days) is ...
Israel’s Operation Swords of Iron has killed liberal Zionism. But unlike the more than 40,000 Palestinians dead, liberal ...
Modern-day sophistry goes by various names: Disinformation, political spins, propaganda-setting, and now, after Donald ...
In June, the small left-wing magazine Jewish Currents summoned its donors and close confederates to a private event in a ...
Explore how media and political marketing shape our beliefs daily, and learn how practicing information hygiene helps us ...
Composer Jeffrey Lependorf turns 1969 "Firing Line" debate between William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky is turned into avant-garde opera in Hudson.
That barely any content we consume is original, used to be a metaphysical and artistic angst, but with GenAI content in the ...