Canon, EOS R5
The EOS C80 has a lot in common with Canon's recently announced Cinema EOS C400 cinema camera. It replaces the EOS C70, a ...
ISRO's EOS-08 Earth observation satellite showcases advanced thermal imaging capabilities with its Electro Optical-Infrared ...
佳能EOS R8是一台被定义为全画幅微单普及之作的机型。它拥有2420万像素的成像能力,并且还可以拍摄6K超采样的4K视频。搭载的第二代全像素双核CMOS AF对焦系统,不仅速度快、精度高而且还可以识别多种主体。作为普及型全画幅微单相机,佳能EOS R8的套机价格还是很有诱惑力的。目前包含了24-50mm防抖镜头的EOS ...
Target is offering the Canon EOS R100 mirrorless camera with a lens kit at a huge discount today. It's ideal for novice to ...
8月巴黎光彩照人,奥运会的激情与荣耀再次点燃了全世界体育迷的热情。作为摄影记者,魏晓昊有幸在现场记录下这场体育盛宴中的无数瞬间,用他手中的全新佳能旗舰专微相机 EOS R1,将每一个难忘的回忆永驻在作品之中。
A global fashion influencer and former reality TV star will share her love of South Australia with the world as part of a new ...
The The Canon EOS R100, a mirrorless camera that's perfect for beginners, is available for an affordable price of $400 from ...
2024巴黎奥运会吸引了全世界的目光,中国的摄影师也通过自己的镜头记录了这场盛会。我们采访了摄影师富田,看看他如何使用佳能EOS R1相机去拍摄那些在巴黎发生的难忘瞬间。 镜头:RF70-200mm F2.8 L IS USM ...
The EOS C80 combines a 6K full-frame, back-illuminated stacked CMOS sensor with the DIGIC DV 7 image processor, minimizing ...
GET MORE AI-GENERATED SIGNALS: September 19, 2024, 02:00 am ET, BY Jake B.- Contributor| Editor: Thomas H. Kee Jr. ( Follow ...