I’ve impulsively cut my hair more times than I can count. Whenever something minor happened, I would rush to the nearest ...
Hair serves an important cosmetic function for humans, and the hair follicle produces sweat gland products that help to control body temperature and release pheromones 3. Billions of people ...
As immature egg cells, called oocytes get older, they begin having problems with cell division. This can result in aneuploidy ...
At the Senate finance subcommittee hearing into PDEA's proposed P3.838 billion budget for 2025, PDEA Director General Moro ...
Without timely diagnosis and intervention, PCOS can lead to more severe health complications such as hypertension, Type 2 ...
A study reveals hormonal and biochemical factors significantly influence alcohol use disorder (AUD) differently in men and ...
干细胞谱系可塑性研究多在皮肤损伤、移植和肿瘤等领域。作为一个较为理想模型,皮肤内存在两种成体干细胞,位于毛囊突起的毛囊干细胞(hair follicle stem cells,HFSCs)和表皮基底层的表皮干细胞(epidermal stem cells,EpSCs)【3, 4】。在不同损伤深度下,不同程度 ...
三星电子涉足医疗领域的动作要追溯到14年前。2010年12月14日,三星集团收购超声波诊断仪器制造商麦迪逊和换能器探头和电缆制造商Prosonic;次年4月,三星生物制药正式成立, 三星集团 终于在万众期待下踏上了医疗这块巨大的产业版图。
Hair follicles (HF) regenerate throughout adult life, involving a 2-way signaling between epithelial stem cells and its niche. The niche includes mesenchymal cells such as dermal papillae and ...
A multi-institutional team of ovarian biologists and other reproductive specialists reports that putting an oocyte from an ...
很多人都知道塑料制品中含有双酚A(BPA),超量摄入了便有毒。但是生活中又常常需要用到各种塑料的奶瓶、杯子、饭盒等等,那怎么办呢?——买贵的呗!事实上,价格贵的也不一定安全哦~ 婴儿奶瓶曾是BPA“重灾区” BPA有什么毒? 先说说BPA的毒性: ...