1 蚶和蛏 蚶和蛏在外观上有着相反的特征。蚶长着坚硬厚重的贝壳,可以将两片贝壳关闭得严丝合缝;而蛏的贝壳不仅薄得像纸,坚固程度也远远不如蚶,用手就可以捏破,甚至不能将自己的肉体完全包裹保护起来。 蚶,一般指魁蛤科下的几个可食用种类,包括毛蚶( ...
《雄狮少年》海报 被英雄花砸过的男人 影片最开始,还被嘲笑为“病猫”的主角阿娟就被一朵肉乎乎的大红花哐当砸下——这正是在华南地区十分常见的木棉花(Bombax ceiba)。 2005年3月,我来到中国科学院华南植物园读博士。彼时正是木棉花盛放的时节 ...
Coral reefs contribute more than $1.2 billion through reef-related tourism to the state of Hawai‘i economy, and are worth an ...
Fountain Valley approved an ordinance for e-bike safety regulations on Tuesday. The City Council also moved forward with a ...
Other nations have begun to invest more seriously in para sports, which may be a sign Australia needs to invest more in ...
They’re known as “parachuting spiders” because they spin wheel-shaped webs that allow them to travel by air if there’s a gust ...
This summer’s big fear for Jersey was no different. Brace yourself for an invasion of Joro spiders. Yep, these colorful, East ...
Italy's Beatrice Maria Vio Grandis coach installs her prosthesis before to compete against China's Su Kang during the women's ...
Italian fencing star Bebe Vio had to be content with the bronze medal at the Paralympic Games on Wednesday after China’s Xiao ...