ודע כי אברהם אבינו חטא חטא גדול בשגגה שהביא אשתו הצדקת במכשול עון מפני פחדו פן יהרגוהו, והיה לו לבטח בשם שיציל אתו ואת אשתו ...
Over the last few decades, there has been a movement to use the court system to fix all of society’s ills. High profile ...
The Reddit page that compiles these pics defines chaotic good with its simple motto: “good intentions, questionable methods.” ...
Here’s why being overly selfless is a double-edged sword and being “healthily selfish” is the balance we all need.
Rogers, Todd, Katherine L Milkman, Leslie K. John, and Michael I. Norton. "Beyond Good Intentions: Prompting People to Make Plans Improves Follow-through on Important Tasks." Behavioral Science & ...
In this talk, Lant Pritchett will address the question “how did we go from the end of history in 1989 to where we are today?” ...
The Biosimilar Red Tape Elimination Act aims to increase the market share of biosimilars. It could drive costs higher.
Can social media turn good intentions into green actions? A UP lecturer’s recent research suggests it’s possible, by using ...
Brian Broadbent has been taking softball players inside the Grafton Correctional Institution and the Grafton Rehabilitation ...
This shouldn’t come as a surprise — price controls simply don’t work, and when they’re implemented, someone will eventually ...
It’s becoming much more challenging to argue against the case of global climate change. In fact, in many ways, those who were accused of being alarmists less than a decade ago are now revered as ...