《葛兰西的二律背反》,[英]佩里·安德森著,吴双译,上海人民出版社,2024年5月出版,200页,68.00元亨廷顿的名作《变化社会中的政治秩序》有一个著名论断:共产主义的力量不仅在于马克思主义及其经济学说,而在于列宁主义及其政治理论和实践,是列宁的 ...
Antonio Gramsci, one of the key Marxists of the 20th century, in his Prison Notebooks (1929) writes: "Central to the concept of Common Sense is that it is truths (that) need no sophistication to grasp ...
The intellectual titan bestowed on us so many things, chief among them a reminder to Always Be Historicizing.
这场火灾夺去了三名年轻中国人的生命,分别是24岁的江苏设计师潘安 以及17岁和18岁的文成弟姐刘银杰和董银丹。 现阶段,火灾调查组正在使用先进设备确认所用的加速剂类型,如汽油或酒精。
This 1994 collection of Gramsci's pre-prison writings, translated and including a number of pieces not previously available in English, covers the whole gamut of his journalistic activity, ranging ...
Finocchiaro, Maurice A. 2020. Vincenzo Galilei’s Musicology and Galileo’s Science: Methodological Comparison and Contrast. Isis, Vol. 111, Issue. 4, p. 740.
Il collettivo cinese di Milano ha commemorato le vittime del devastante incendio di Via Cantoni avvenuto il 12 settembre, in ...
President Joe Biden’s address to the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday morning—his final speech before the body of ...
University of Ottawa provides funding as a member of The Conversation CA. Antonio Gramsci, the Marxist theorist, ideologue, philosopher and journalist, has long been associated exclusively with ...
As Sri Lanka embarks on this new chapter, the implications for its ties with India and the broader geopolitical landscape ...