In the middle of the small crowd — near the tents, the lineup of kids awaiting face painting, the snack table — stood a ...
Reim El Houni's career includes working with TV stations like the BBC to being an Executive Producer and Head of Events at Dubai One. Reim launched her own production company Ti22 Films in January ...
The $680-a-head uptown restaurant everyone’s talking about has three giant egos in the kitchen and one very rich benefactor calling the shots. If they don’t self-destruct, they may well ...
上个月,在多伦多北端的两栋公寓楼举行一场派对,那些因拒绝支付房租数月的租户们庆祝“巨大胜利”。居住在1440和1442 Lawrence Ave. West的100多名租户自去年10月发起租金罢租,要求房东对几十个单元进行紧急维修,并 ...
“If they don’t do these repairs, there will be consequences,” Aliah El-houni, a lawyer representing the tenants, told the gathering. “We don’t know of any other interim orders like this ...