The Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) and International Finance Corporation (IFC) recently signed a memorandum of ...
It’s all but certain that you can see Andrzej Żuławski’s Possession or Ingmar Bergman’s The Seventh Seal on an odd Tuesday, and in 2021, Film Forum played Jacques Deray’s La Piscine for 14 weeks as ...
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) announced a €100 million (approximately $108 million) loan to OCP Group, a global ...
Trailing by 1-6 to 1-5 at the break with Mattie Gorman scoring the goal, Ballymore (minus the injured Bernard McElvaney) took ...
The National Communications Authority of Somalia (NCA) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) have partnered to ...
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has confirmed that its stands ready to support South Africa’s efforts to ...
近日,南银法巴消费金融公司(以下简称“南银法巴消金”或“公司”)收到国家金融监督管理总局江苏监管局正式批复,同意公司注册资本由50亿元增至52.15亿元;增加注册资本后,国际金融公司(以下简称IFC)出资2.15亿元,出资比例为4.12%。这样,南银 ...
KCB Group subsidiary in Rwanda has received a $60 million (Sh7.73 billion) loan from development finance institutions ...
近日,南银法巴消费金融公司(简称“南银法巴消金”)的股东结构迎来重大变化,国家金融监督管理总局江苏监管局已正式批准其注册资本增至52.15亿元。而推动这一变化的,是国际金融公司(IFC)以4.12%的比例全额认购新增资本,这不仅是IFC近十年来首次对中国金融机构的投资,也是市场热议的焦点。IFC作为世界银行集团的重要成员,其加入对南银法巴消金的影响值得深度探讨,尤其是在当前经济环境下,投资者应如何 ...
iBUS Network and Infrastructure, a digital infrastructure solutions provider, announced today that it has secured an ...
随着330米超甲级写字楼T5的惊艳亮相,以及华中首家丽思卡尔顿酒店进入开业倒计时,这座由越秀地产开发打造、越秀商管运营的“国金”产品线走出广州的“首作”,百万方寰球业态综合体——武汉越秀国际金融中心,正式集齐最后一块“黄金拼图”,以“鼎立华中商业新封 ...