近日,东南大学附属中大医院医学检验科主任吴国球教授团队,在美国化学会分析化学领域权威期刊《Analytical chemistry》(中科院一区Top期刊)发表了题为“Face-to-face assembly strategy of Au ...
常州大学为该论文第一单位,常州大学兼职教授姜鹏举和苏州大学医学院李永强副教授为共同通讯作者。 常州大学王建豪、姜鹏举课题组长期从事纳米生物材料的合成及其在肿瘤靶向治疗、抗菌等领域的应用基础研究。
In the midst of a flu-induced fever, it’s easy to ask why your own body would subject you to the chills, sweats, and aches ...
The excessive cosolute densities in the intracellular fluid create a physicochemical condition called macromolecular crowding (MMC). Intracellular MMC entropically maintains the biochemical ...
Endocytosis and recycling control the uptake and retrieval of various materials in eukaryotic cells. Mammalian cells have ...
Immunotherapy can remove extracellular amyloid plaques from Alzheimer’s brain, but has so far failed to clear intracellular tau tangles. Now, two papers propose a solution: tagging them for ...
近日,东南大学附属中大医院医学检验科主任吴国球教授团队,在美国化学会分析化学领域权威期刊《Analytical chemistry》(中科院一区Top期刊)发表了题为“Face-to-face assembly strategy of Au ...
Six individuals have received this year's Lasker Awards in the areas of basic research, clinical research, and public service ...
In a study led by Sarah Worthan, Ph.D., a postdoctoral researcher in the Behringer Lab at Vanderbilt University, scientists ...