Why are tech leaders so adamant about pushing their creations on other people’s kids, while protecting their own?
If only Trump and his homunculus, J. D. Vance, cared as much about the safety of others as so many others care about theirs.
The “smartphone-free childhood” debate has reached fever pitch in recent months, partly thanks to Jonathan Haidt’s new book ...
In the context of discussing whether certain disciplines are “lost” to the Left, Haidt outlines the dominance of victim groups: JONATHAN HAIDT: Anthro[pology] is completely lost. I mean ...
Meta has been under the microscope particularly since the former Facebook data scientist Frances Haugen leaked a trove of ...
Jonathan Haidt is associate professor of psychology at the University of Virginia. His research focuses on the psychological bases of morality across different cultures and political ideology. He ...
I’d like to revisit something we talked about on my old blog: the social psychologist Jonathan Haidt’s theory of moral foundations, and how it informs the way we interpret events and act.
Parents and teachers are pretty much out of the loop, so that young people are using AI platforms with virtually no guidance, ...
There’s now a nationwide and rather panicked push to keep smartphones out of kids’ hands and teens off of social media, ...
By Benjamin P. Russell In “The Anxious Generation,” Jonathan Haidt says we’re failing children — and takes a firm stand against tech.