长短期债券收益率曲线“倒挂”正在全球范围内解除。随着全球主要央行步入宽松周期,英国国债于今年7月首次出现收益率曲线转正,美债收益率曲线在一个月后同样转正,德国国债和加拿大国债的收益率曲线倒挂现也相继结束。Andromeda资本管理公司的首席投资官兼创 ...
曲线倒挂和变陡趋势听起来像是债市的事,但其动向值得关注,因为收益率变动长期以来一直是投资者对经济增长预期的一个信号。特别是在美国,收益率曲线倒挂往往是经济衰退的前兆,一些交易员认为曲线回归正常反映了这样一种观点,即经济衰退,或者至少是经济明显恶化是迫 ...
A coming-of-age story set in 1960s Toronto.
A quirk in global bond markets that upended traditional relationships between short- and long-term debt in recent years is ...
From graphic memoirs about grief and loss, to humourous coming-of-age stories for kids, there's something for every lover of ...
The U.S. monetary policy narrative has undergone a rapid shift from inflation to the labor market, especially since the July ...
Jill Dunlop, Ontario’s education minister, has announced the audit after top official Mark Fisher took a paid leave amid the ...
UAB Department of Music presents Christmas at the Alys, 7 p.m., UAB’s Alys Stephens Center, Jemison Concert Hall, 1200 10th ...
An accomplished performer and devoted teacher, Smith is a UAB alumnus, graduate of the Eastman School of Music and associate ...