1 However, the first careful consideration of leukemia-like blood pictures as nonmalignant entities was in 1926 by Krumbhaar, 2 who coined the term "leukemoid" to describe them. Since bone-marrow ...
The paraneoplastic leukemoid reaction is a rare haematological paraneoplastic syndrome, which is typically seen with solid tumours and squamous cell carcinomas. As an indication of bone marrow ...
THERE is a widely held opinion among physicians that infections of viral etiology with few exceptions are associated with leukopenia. white-cell counts in patients with mumps are variable and have ...
Correspondence to Dr Thejus Jayakrishnan; thejus.jayakrishnan{at}ahn.org A leukemoid reaction is typically defined as white blood cell (WBC) count >50×10 9 /L, predominantly neutrophil precursors, ...
We report the case of a 54-year-old healthy Han Chinese male presenting with fever, pallor, erythematous subcutaneous nodules on the limbs, and significant anemia as indicated by routine blood tests, ...
1 Alberta Research Centre for Health Evidence, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada 2 Department of Pediatrics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada 3 Department of Epidemiology and ...