AI in RF enhances performance but lacks comprehensive regulation. The U.S. has federal orders and state laws, while global ...
With increasing data rates in mobile communications, the need for more powerful high-frequency electronics is growing. This ...
The Arctic Weather Satellite (AWS) of the European Space Agency (ESA) was sent on its journey to a polar orbit 600 km above ...
MACOM Technology Solutions Inc. ("MACOM"), a leading supplier of semiconductor products, will display its latest advancements in RF, microwave, millimeter wave products, along with its comprehensive ...
The Letšeng mine is renowned for its high-quality diamond production, boasting one of the world's highest average ...
张卫健挥舞金箍棒,扮演齐天大圣有模有样,不过毛衣外套下仍看出他明显有些福态。(云顶高原15日讯)张卫健扮演的“孙悟空”堪称经典,近来中国3A游戏《黑神话:悟空》大热,他笑言也要沾个光,特别以“齐天大圣”造型登场,掀起全场高潮。不过他仍改不了“嘴贱”本 ...
(云顶15日讯)张卫健和梁汉文两位好朋友识于微时,这次他们首度以二人姿态开唱,梁汉文都讲:“我们两兄弟真正合体的第一个秀给了你们,很感触!”这次虽然BIG ...
在未来,随着AI及新兴技术的不断推进,芯片的性能和功耗将面临更大的挑战。如何有效管理和降低芯片的热量问题,将是行业可持续发展的重要课题。Cadence的Celsius ...
RF- and mmWave technology provider, Filtronic will return to European Microwave Week this year (Paris Expo Porte De ...
And now M&M's is throwing its hat in the race with a new flavor that has fans filling up the comments section already. M&M's ...
地球的另一端,有一款舰载有源相控阵雷达与346较为相似,它就是代表欧洲最高水平的Type ...
在人工智能浪潮的推动下,下一代 AI 芯片,其功耗甚至超过 1 千瓦。面对如此高功耗,液冷技术成为必要的降温选择。然而,设备越热,其冷却成本也随之增加。CDCC 的统计数据显示,数据中心的制冷系统在资本支出(CAPEX)中占 20-25%,在运营支出 ...