If there are m i observations in a subpopulation i, then the probability distribution of the number falling into the k categories y i = (y i1, y i2, ... y ik) can be modeled by the multinomial ...
在浩瀚的古诗词海洋中,琳琅满目的佳句常常让人陶醉,但很多人却难以记住每一句的作者。当人们欣赏这些优美的诗句时,常常会想起那位才华横溢的作者,却苦于无法准确识别他的作品。为了解决这一难题,行空板引入了MultinomialNB模型——一种用于文本分类的 ...
This paper develops a model of individual decisionmaking in the presence of social interactions when the number of available choices is finite. We show how a multinomial logit model framework may be ...
Multiclass classification with feature and parameter selection using sparse group lasso for the multinomial model. Suitable for high dimensional problems. This is the R package msgl version 2.3.8.
This project focuses on the classification of seven distinct types of dry beans using a multinomial logistic regression model. The dataset encompasses features related to the beans' form, size, shape, ...
Abstract: Multinomial logistic regression provides the standard penalised maximumlikelihood solution to multi-class pattern recognition problems. More recently, the development of sparse multinomial ...
A distinguishing feature of our analysis is that we exploit the multinomial structure of the data to develop confidence sets that are valid in finite samples. We additionally develop confidence sets ...
Findings on neonatal gut microbiota reveal key Bifidobacteria species driving microbiome assembly and their potential in ...
Abstract: It is well known in the statistics literature that augmenting binary and polychotomous response models with gaussian latent variables enables exact Bayesian analysis via Gibbs sampling from ...
Background Following California’s statewide law prohibiting the sale of flavoured tobacco products, some cigarette brands ...