Ticagrelor was non-inferior to DAPT for the incidence of major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. 2.
SAVR, compared with TAVR, is not as safe and costs more for patients with liver cirrhosis and solid organ transplant recipients.
The nominees for the Super Football Conference Steve DeGregorio Young Man of the Year Award were announced last week. Here's ...
The following is a summary of “Procedural safety of rotational atherectomy and modified balloon angioplasty: insights from a German national registry,” published in the September 2024 issue of ...
8 月 30 日~9 月 2 日,世界最具影响力的心血管学术会议——2024 年欧洲心脏病学会(ESC)年会于英国伦敦举行,此次 ESC 年会设置了 26 场最新科学研究专场(Late-Breaking Science)共 163 项研究、12 场 ...