The story told by these streams and their tiny inhabitants is clear: Urban wildfires pose a serious threat to water quality ...
近日,湖南常德沅江流域“下雪”了,沅水大桥竟然出现了十厘米厚的“积雪”!桥上车辆因路面打滑失控引发车祸,导致大桥交通拥堵。 细看这“雪”,竟是由无数小虫子组成。密密麻麻的虫子们还在不停扭动身体,令人头皮发麻。
Student researchers collected the dislodged macroinvertebrates in a downstream net. Samples underestimate community-wide richness. Unlike typical samples, species richness in community samples ...
As the growing season winds down, it’s time to think about cleaning up your garden before winter weather arrives. But there’s ...
Frederick County Public Schools held a STEM Fair at The Great Fair’s Kid Zone on Friday. FCPS students were released from schools three and a half hours early to visit the fair, as part of an annual ...
The controversial spraying of herbicides for the borough's Lawn-to-Meadow Project that was protested by residents didn't ...
Wildlife biologists say Colorado’s Gypsum Ponds have the potential to be a great fishery for anglers, but illegally ...
CARROLL VALLEY, Pa. — A branch of water near SGI's Charmian Plant in Blue Ridge Summit will soon be more hospitable to the ...
In their larval stages, benthic macroinvertebrates live on the benthos, or bottom, of the stream, where they are constantly exposed to the water, making them sensitive to changes in stream chemistry.
A large crowd descended on Milltownpass last Sunday to attend a family fun day organised by the local Tidy Towns committee to ...
Fall Carnival — 2-6 p.m. ICCU Arena Plaza, 900 Stadium Dr., Moscow. Family friendly games, prizes, food, soda and more can be enjoyed during the event hosted by the Soourner’s Alliance.