Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is briefly named Ning, with Yinchuan as its provincial seat. Located on “The Silk Road,” Ningxia was historically the important passage of transportation and ...
Pinturas rupestres en el paraje de la montaña Helan, en la región autónoma de la etnia Hui de Ningxia, en el noroeste de ...
Personal captura peces en una base de acuicultura en el distrito de Helan, Yinchuan, región autónoma de la etnia Hui de ...
9月16日,桃源县沙坪镇,“宁电入湘”工程N4889+1号桩位,国网湖南省电力有限公司电力工人在高空拼装铁塔。“宁电入湘”工程是湖南继祁韶特高压后,第二条落地湖南的特高压直流工程,计划2025年投入运行。该工程在湖南省内途经常德、张家界、益阳、娄底、衡阳5市,新建铁塔918基、路径长度约420公里。中秋小长假期间,该工 ...
Changzhou is classified among the best nightlife cities. Other winners of the award include Chengdu city of Sichuan province, Xi’an city of Shaanxi province, Haikou city of Hainan province, Luoyang ...
From September 25 to 29, the Third China (Macao) International High-Quality Consumption Expo and Hengqin World Bay Area Forum ...