A research team has recently made a breakthrough in synthesizing organic fluorophores more cost-effectively and ...
After a harrowing journey from his native Afghanistan one refugee chemist has found safety in a postdoc position in the UK ...
近期,浙江大学陈志杰研究员课题组在 Nature Synthesis 上提出了高孔性金属有机框架合成的概念:异质化的超分子构筑模块(Hetero-SBB,hetero-supermolecular-building-block) [1]。
A professor of Organic Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry, University of Uyo, Bassey Antia, has called on the ...
最近,某社交平台上有一道凉拌菜热度相当高,轻轻松松就点赞过万,无数人在评论区打卡交作业——新疆的朋友们看到了一定有一种“小学同学上电视”的熟悉感——这不就是我们从小吃到大的“皮辣红”(也有人叫“老虎菜”)么!没胃口时妈妈就会做它~这道凉拌菜真的这么有 ...
Astronomers and biologists have long believed that a lot of the chemistry necessary for life was imported to Earth aboard ...
When it comes to searching for life beyond Earth, specifically on exoplanets or exomoons, are researchers searching for the ...
近日,国际著名期刊《Energy Storage Materials》发表以中原科技学院为第一完成单位,机电工程学院韩朝阳博士为第一作者的研究成果“A self-growing “Polysulfide-Phobic” interface ...
在国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:22331009)等资助下,中国科学技术大学江海龙教授团队联合罗毅教授和江俊教授团队在人工光合成研究中取得新进展,相关研究以“金属有机框架中的动态结构扭曲增强光催化全解水(Dynamic structural ...
Hydrogen is often seen as the fuel of the future on account of its zero-emission and high gravimetric energy density, meaning ...
Neocapritermes taracua termites carry a life-ending enzyme that, when mixed with another compound during attacks, produces a ...