In fact, when unprocessed corn became a dietary staple during the early 20th century, pellagra outbreaks claimed thousands of lives across the U.S. annually. Today, nixtamalized masa and tortillas are ...
[3] Read: B vitamins could help treat severe nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Pellagra is a condition caused by a deficiency in vitamin B3, also called niacin. Like acrodermatitis enteropathica, it ...
Now, archaeologists in Poland have discovered the graves of two 13th-century children, one of which that may have been feared ...
The Science History Institute collection will be on display from Sept. 27 through January 2026. Its free opening event ...
1. Animal Liver and Kidneys: These are some of the most concentrated sources of B12. Even small portions provide more than ...
In advance of Duke's Founders' Day Centennial Celebration Weekend, The Chronicle looks back on the University's original ...