John wrote a letter and so wrote Mary (so did Mary). Fourth, a tag copies only a pronominal form of the subject plus an auxiliary verb plus the opposite sign of negation: The latter three modal verbs ...
"Towards the reconstruction of the root morphemes of the pronominal affixes of Proto-Mayan" (Ph.D.) 1988, Micheline Pellerin, "L'ordinateur et la reduction des erreurs persistantes dans la performance ...
In the German language, as in English, the pronoun or pronominal adjective selbst, or 'self,' lends emphasis to something or someone previously named. In its nominalized form, das Selbst, or 'the self ...
It shows from a theoretical point of view how different syntactic properties are interconnected by comparing and contrasting the variances between pronominal and agreement systems, null subjects, null ...
Current research projects include work on phi-theory, nominal and pronominal structure, definiteness, experimental morphosemantics, dialect retention and change, indexicality and speech perception, ...