This project aims to empirically explore Ricardian equivalence using recent changes to federal payroll taxation. Ricardian equivalence, the idea that consumers are forward looking and internalize debt ...
Andrew Beattie was part of the original editorial team at Investopedia and has spent twenty years writing on a diverse range of financial topics including business, investing, personal finance ...
through Ricardian equivalence, or through a high degree of substitutability between private and public expenditure cross-border externalities from national fiscal stimuli (or their lack ...
Tait, Morgan and Larson, Brendon M. H. 2018. Entropy and the conceit of biodiversity management. Global Ecology and Biogeography, Vol. 27, Issue. 6, p. 642.
The book presents a close theoretical discussion on the Ricardian equivalence hypothesis, an important concept both historically and in contemporary literature on public debt. The implications of ...
Topics include: Economic growth: facts and accounting, economic convergence: the Solow model, endogenous growth models, the roles of human capital and R&D, consumption and savings: the forward-looking ...