小林鹰之计划在当选首相后重新调整日本的能源战略。他表示,在逐步增加间歇性可再生能源的同时,日本需要包括煤炭和核能在内的电力来源来维持能源安全。 作为世界上自然资源最匮乏的国家之一,日本约90%的能源需求依赖进口,能源自给率在主要发达国家中处于最低水平,国际地缘政治的任何波动都会直接影响日本整个能源产业链。
Japan will have a new leader after outgoing Prime Minister Kishida Fumio’s governing Liberal Democratic Party holds a vote on ...
Takayuki Kato won a complete-game pitchers' duel against fellow lefty Hiroya Miyagi as the Nippon Ham Fighters staved off ...
Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party on Thursday unveiled the nine candidates who will run in a Sept. 27 leadership ...
Top J-League sides will play for higher stakes as they venture into the revamped Asian Champions League Elite, with the prize ...
Japan’s energy strategy must be overhauled to curb future reliance on renewables and support economic growth, according to a ...
美股市场: 美东时间周二,美股三大指数涨跌不一,纳指涨近1%, 截至当天收盘,道琼斯工业平均指数比前一交易日下跌92.63点,收于40736.96点,跌幅为0.23%; 标准普尔 500种股票指数上涨24.47点,收于5495.52点,涨幅为0.45 ...
Former Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi is leading in support from fellow lawmakers in Japan’s ruling party leadership ...
A record nine Japanese lawmakers have formally entered the race to replace outgoing Prime Minister Fumio Kishida as head of ...
Experience the ultimate night out at the Oriental Sunset Rooftop Party, set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Shanghai ...
In the Paradox Museum, nothing makes sense and yet everything is totally real! And get this – from Thursday through Saturday ...