Thorin — nicknamed after a dwarf in J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit" — is also called the "last Neanderthal" because he may ...
The discovery of a Neanderthal named Thorin reveals a previously unknown lineage that diverged from other Neanderthals ...
Our weekly roundup of the latest science in the news, as well as a few fascinating articles to keep you entertained over the ...
Despite its proximity to other groups of Neanderthals and the era’s modern humans, the lineage of the specimen, dubbed ...
A fossil Neanderthal named for a Tolkien character indicates that geographically close groups of the ancient humans didn't ...
Thorin指出,sh1ro和donk在战队中承担了大部分的重任。这种重任如同山岳,压在他们的肩上。当战队拥有三名明星选手时,即使有人状态不佳,胜利的曙光依然可见。然而,当像donk这样的超级carry选手需要独自拖着队友前进时,压力便如潮水般涌来, ...
Researchers uncover the DNA of Neanderthal "Thorin," revealing genetic isolation and inbreeding within his group.
两个独立的尼安德特人群体曾并存 ...
Sharing the name of a legendary dwarf in J. R. R. Tolkien's classic fantasy novel "The Hobbit," a Neanderthal now known as ...
A new genetic analysis revealed that Thorin’s community was isolated from other groups and diverged from more well-studied ...
A new study, based on the remains of a Neanderthal nicknamed Thorin, is shaking up what archaeologists long thought about these early humans in Europe ...
A fossilized Neanderthal discovered in a cave system in the Rhône Valley, France, represents an ancient and previously ...