Scientific American is part of Springer Nature, which owns or has commercial relations with thousands of scientific publications (many of them can be found at www ...
It’s a function of timbering, agriculture, and climate change. Rainforests don’t just provide a home to wildlife; they also absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. Indeed, climate activists and ...
It is not as though labor and enterprise are unknown here: Digging coal is hard work, farming is hard work, timbering is hard work — so hard that the best and brightest long ago packed up for ...
As timbering machinery has advanced over the last century, more stands of timber became accessible. Nor can we forget globalization and colonialism. Roads and vehicles also exacerbate humanity’s ...
The exhibit will run for two years and will include interactive elements for all ages. Timbering Up, a large artwork by South Tyneside artist and former miner Bob Olley, is also featured.
No impacts or compensatory mitigation were considered for timbering-associated services, the beef cattle industry and loss of grazing area, or loss of income from decreased hunting tourism.