全球化带来了文化的快速传播和融合,同时也对许多传统文化产生了深远的影响。在一个越来越互联的世界里,各种文化元素通过媒体、旅游和贸易迅速交汇,这一过程既丰富了全球文化的多样性,也导致了一些本土文化的淡化。例如,许多年轻人更容易接受西方的生活方式和价值观 ...
(文/王勇 编辑/赵乾坤)坦桑尼亚《公民报》9月12日报道,桑给巴尔(坦桑尼亚联合共和国的组成部分)出台新规,要求所有入境的外国游客在获得坦桑尼亚电子签证外,必须强制性购买最长 92 天的入境旅游保险,费用为每人 44 美元(约合人民币312元)。该险种由当地一家保险公司独家提供,新规将于 10 月 1 ...
"The digitalization of cultural tourism has become a new trend," said Ma Yiliang, chief statistician of the China Tourism ...
Big data and computing power as well as zero-carbon and low-carbon technologies empower the integrated development of various industries in service trade. Digital cultural tourism, smart education, ...
BEIJING, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), China's top economic planner, said ...
BEIJING, Sept.14 (China Economic Net) - The 2024 “Global Procurement and Enterprise Overseas Expansion Forum” was held Friday ...
The 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), themed "Global Services, Shared Prosperity," is being held ...
Elombi highlighted decades of Chinese investments in Africa, noting projects of all sizes have benefited millions. Data from ...
The China National Convention Center, venue of the 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), in Beijing. ...
Over 60 robots from leading companies will be showcased, including humanoid and service robots. Features include ...
In Hengqin, you'd be amazed by how much can be accomplished in the time it takes to listen to a song. 20 seconds for seamless ...