Growing plants in containers is great if you have limited space and/or crummy soil, but the downside is that you have to be ...
As any avid gardener will tell you, plants with sharp thorns and prickles can leave you looking like you’ve had a run-in with ...
Photosynthesis changed Earth in powerful ways. When photosynthetic organisms appeared, it led to the Great Oxygenation Event.
Indoor palm plants are a beautiful addition to any room. From Cat Palms to Kentia Palms to Lady Palms, this list of plants ...
Scientists have learned how plants keep viruses from being passed to their offspring, a finding that could ensure healthier ...
After four weeks of no measurable rainfall in Greater Boston, you might be wondering how this lack of precipitation has been ...
New nuclear power plants in Georgia have helped flip the state's power mix so that electricity from clean energy sources has ...
Union IG Metall repeated its demand that all Volkswagen plants in Germany needed to be kept and a new job security deal ...
Grist reports on how, as global temperatures rise and seasons shift, bees and other pollinators are missing critical ...
据故宫博物院书画部的杨丹霞说,折扇的起源有可能是在日韩,明人的笔记中,常提到“倭扇”,所描摹的正是折扇形制。苏轼有一首《杨主簿日本扇》,其中戏言到:“扇从日本来,风非日本风。风非扇中出,问风本何从。风亦不自知,当复问太空。空若是风穴,既自与物同。同物 ...
Sedum plants are one of Martha’s favorite low-maintenance yet elegant additions to her garden. They can be used throughout ...
The discovery was made Wednesday in a basement apartment on Kelly Street by marshals who were sent to deliver an eviction ...