美妙的灵感从大自然中悠然绽放,源自1964年的标志性设计,清新惬意的英式优雅延续至今。2024年 9 月 7日, WEDGWOOD 携手全球品牌代言人肖战,以全新野草莓墨蓝系列,为经典之美赋予崭新活力与摩登魅力。
Congregants gathered Sunday for a special service to remember the shooting that killed 7 at Wedgwood 25 years ago.
On Sept. 15, 1999, the shooter went inside the church with a gun and randomly started shooting at the congregation.
On Sept. 15, 1999, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary alumnus Jay Fannin (MACE, ’98) was helping at a youth event he ...
Dunhill送来了中式茶具套装。里面有一盒桐木·正山小种红茶,产自福建武夷山桐木一代。以及一个黑釉瓷茶杯,这种材质流行于唐代、宋代,独具历史文化底蕴~ ...
Wedgwood Middle School was one of the first to take on the task of consolidation this school year after its nearby ...
Sponsored Post Ballard resident Orrin S. loves to play on the varsity ultimate frisbee team for UPrep, a 6–12 private school ...
On Sept. 15, 1999, a 47-year-old man opened fire during a youth service at the Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, ...
Influencing’ didn’t exist as a career 20 years ago but it’s now one of the most popular, with ever-younger people aspiring to ...
Congregants prayed and reflected during a Sept. 15. Sunday service, the 25th anniversary of the tragedy in southwest Fort ...
【2024年9月6日,中国,香格里拉】8月23日至9月7日,阿斯顿·马丁绮梦仲夏–2024秘境之旅在被誉为“地球上最后一片净土”的传奇之地——香格里拉举行。来自全国各地的客户嘉宾驾驶阿斯顿·马丁GT跑车驰骋于人间秘境,俯瞰气势磅礴的金沙江大拐弯,探索 ...
A 3,754-square-foot house built in 2023 has changed hands. The spacious new property located at 105 Elmwood Road in Wellesley ...